Category: Inspiration

  • Following through with Your Commitment

    It can be challenging to follow through with a decision particularly if the immediate pleasure is more powerful than the results that can be achieved down the line. We were all confronted at some point in life with a decision of either following our dreams or chasing the monthly paycheck. What does it take to…

  • Living in The Now

    One morning you will wake up knowing that someday is here. How likely is for this to happen, knowing that it takes a new way of thinking to realize that tomorrow is today and that our projections over the future are just the present moment placed on pause? Look around and desperately seek for people…

  • Push Forward

    If you open your eyes in the morning thinking that today won’t matter you’re wrong. Every day in the right direction, being kind, supportive and genuinely helpful matters, even when you think that nothing is changing. There are the life’s events that make us think that when we can’t see activity nothing is happening. Progress…

  • A Way Out

    We are all looking for options to improve our life, to do better, to be better. But we often seek for someone to show us the way or walk a path, not realising that each path is different. We can follow someone and have a different experience of life. A poorer experience of life. Or…

  • Inner Power and Self-Belief: Shifting Beliefs

    We often think that there’s only that much that we can do. Only that many practice rounds, that much work, that much time and effort. Until someone comes and surpasses our expectations. It takes one person to break a world record and others will follow. It’s the knowing that makes it possible. Out of all…

  • Listening Even when You Have Something to Say

    Listening is an active act of engaging with someone, of connecting with them. More than speaking, it can bond people in a profound way. Two people speaking will meet, speak and part ways without having shared anything with each other. Two people listening form a spiritual connection that the violence of the spoken word can…

  • Caring with Kindness

    How often did you lose your temper or words didn’t really form the way they should and you looked for a way out in the intention you’ve set? The intention is valued very little if it’s not formed in an open and kind way. Love cannot be portrayed through negative attitudes as much as we…

  • Taking Responsibility or Taking the Blame?

    Taking responsibility takes courage and a strong sense of self. It is a trait of an honorable person. But what if you’ve learnt early on that by taking responsibility you expose yourself to the vulnerability of being blamed? Blame is a negative emotion and it sits at the opposite side of the spectrum from taking…

  • Aiming to Create rather than Destroy

    Travelling, eating good food, having a good time… all these are goals that we can easily relate to. But everything comes at a cost and the financial aspect comes second when we realize that time invested in these activities take away from the time that we could be spending growing and impacting the world. So…

  • Allowing Change to Feed Our Growth

    We’ve all witnessed global changes in the past few months and how they tie in with people’s ability to adjust, learn and grow. Building a temple of stillness within doesn’t lock out stimuli that help us grow, it helps us witness events calmly and move into a peaceful direction of growth. It is anger what…